Have you ever been in a class where all the teacher does the entire period is talk or lecture? Isn't that awful?! Not for some...
Don't you hate it when it's lab day in science class and you have to play with beakers and Bunsen burners? Not for some...
Isn't it awful when the teacher doesn't write notes on the board, only draws silly pictures all over the place? Not for some...
What's that mean??
No two students learn the same way - students have different learning styles! What's good for one student may be awful for the next.
There are many different categories of learning styles and many different learning style inventories that you can take to find out what kind of learner you are.
Here is a basic summary of three basic learning styles and a brief overview for what it means to you the learner.
Auditory learner
A student with an auditory learning style learns best when information is presented verbally. In a classroom setting, this type of student likes when the teachers lecture as that is how new information is processed the easiest. Recording a lecture then listening to it later on CD or iPod is helpful for recollection.
Rewrite notes the same day you heard themOrganize notes by highlighting and repeating aloud three timesRecord lessons and listen to them while you exerciseTalk through math problems out loud someone elseKinesthetic
A student with a kinesthetic learning style learns best when there are hands on activities - learning by doing. In a classroom setting, this type of student likes when teachers gives opportunities to create things... models, skits, constructing or manipulating something tangible. Field trips are helpful as the student can experience and be part the learning.
Study small chucks of information at a timeTake frequent breaks and move aroundTry to create a body motion that represents a conceptWalk around while studying notes or flash cardsVisual
A student with a visual learning style learns best when information is presented in an organized and systematic way. In a classroom setting, students with a visual learning style prefer outlines, bullet points and examples with a visual organizer. Creating mental pictures help students learn better.
Use colored pens/highlighters to sequence different steps or strategiesDraw a picture to represent a conceptCreate mnemonics to help recall difficult or lengthy materialCreate Venn Diagrams to represent conceptsKnowing your learning style and understanding what kind of learner you are is essential. If your teacher doesn't use teaching methods to suit your specific learning style, you now have the knowledge to adjust the lesson to meet your specific needs!
Teresa Molter is the nation's leading expert and founder of Academic Success Coaching Certification. As the founder of Academic Development Group., Teresa developed, and trains in Youth Moving Forward, a teen leadership course that enables students learn leadership and learning strategies for academic and life success. As she recognizes the need for effective communication and leadership skills for youth, Teresa is a co-coordinator in a local Youth Leadership program sponsored by Toastmasters International.
As such a passionate advocate for our youth and speaker on the national stage, Teresa is highly sought after for speaking engagements.
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